Friday, December 27, 2019

The Power of Machiavelli the Prince Essay - 858 Words

Nowadays, it is politically impossible to commit to paper a training guide for leaders. There are innumerable detractors to any possible stance or strategy a leader might adopt. As a result of this, all training must take place behind closed doors, far from the prying eyes and ears of the news media or the public. But this has not always been the case. Niccolà ² Machiavelli was brave enough to give the leaders of his day a how-to guide. In this work, The Qualities of a Prince, we are given a point-by-point description of what a leader should do to effectively lead his country. Machiavelli explains that, because leadership is (obviously) a position of command, [war] is the only profession which benefits one who commands. (p. 33)†¦show more content†¦What they must now do, is gain all knowledge of the land left to them, so as not to loose it. This is wonderful, and I will not be the one to say that knowledge of terrain is unimportant. But, it stands to reason that the lay of the land will do a country little good if there is no need to defend it. Machiavellis logic is perfect for the situation of the time. It would do little good to know defense if peace runs as rampant as war did. If we prepared peace, there would be no need to know defense. There is also the statement that, to know peace, you must prepare war. Machiavel li states this, again, as he lives through a ravaged northern Italy and a failing economy. If the Medicis had, in some way, shape or form prepared just the slightest for these wars, there would be (certainly) less of a problem. Rather, the Medicis focused on a strong economy, (meaning they made more money) thinking nothing of war. When war came, they were forced to raise taxes for defense purposes. Machiavelli addresses the Medicis faults in leadership by stating what should be done. The Cold War is a prime example of preparation for wars failure. The United States and the USSR were running a huge arms race against each other. Rather than prosper, as Machiavellis statement describes, the US fell into debt and the economy wentShow MoreRelatedMachiavelli and Gossip Girl1497 Words   |  6 Pages Machiavelli’s The Prince is a guide written for the ruling class on how to maintain power, however, royalty is no longer a characteristic that belongs only to a monarch. In The Prince, Machiavelli targets the prince and all other royalty, but today his work may be used as a social critique of upper class society. Thus, a popular television show depicting Manhattan’s elite governed by social media blasts, is no coincidence. 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